Trusted by over 50 doctors in Germany

Your own practice in great locations with unbeatable services

Get in touch with us to work with us in the future and benefit from our services.
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State-of-the-art facilities

Thanks to advanced infrastructure, Eterno spaces offer you a work environment that leaves you to do the job you studied for: being a doctor. Our fully equipped practice rooms enable you to carry out your work at the highest level.

Fully equipped specialist and functional rooms
Maintenance, cleaning and repair
Surgery rooms, POCT laboratories, telemedicine rooms, etc.

Full of top-notch services

Eterno not only provides you with premises, but also supports you with first-class services. We take on all non-medical tasks so that you can fully dedicate yourself to your medical work.

Diverse front and back office services
Extensive service network
Billing and tax support
Eterno Cloud

Cloud solution for modern practice

With the Eterno Cloud, you can optimize your practice operations and take patient care to a new level.

Efficient and digitized practice processes
A complete solution from a single source
Intuitive, easy operation
Eterno As a Service

Eterno services relieve your day-to-day practice

Through close cooperation with doctors, we know the biggest bottlenecks in a practice. The individually bookable services we offer automate important work processes, increase your efficiency and save time and nerves.

Professional phone services
Procurement support
Rechtliche Absicherung

What is our added value?

Eterno relieves independent doctors and therapists of the administrative and organizational burdens of an ordinary practice.

Individual practice
Self-employed activity
Professional & economic independence
Own medical sales
Reduced entrepreneurial risk
Relief in administrative tasks
Cost reduction
We strengthen self-employment and promote modern care

With our digitalized and up-to-date operating model, you benefit from advanced infrastructure, efficient processes and the latest medical technology. You can focus on what is really important — medicine.

Dr. med. univ. Mark Philip Corterier (38)
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery: After working as a senior physician in the clinic for several years, became self-employed, took on a health insurance office and moved to Eterno Space.

Modern Health For Everyone. “Germany-wide — regional and urban.”

Scalable, modern operating models and health applications to strengthen primary medical care in metropolitan areas, medium-sized areas and rural regions.

Eterno health sites
“Start-up wants to offer coworking space for doctors.”
“A Frankfurt-based entrepreneur rents out ready-made medical practices to doctors — and thus relieves them of unpleasant duties.”
“Coworking space opened for doctors in Hamburg.”
Contact us

Our team is happy to answer all your questions.


Eterno provides you with fully equipped practice rooms and performs all non-medical tasks. As a doctor, you remain completely independent and generate 100% of your own medical revenue.

With Eterno, you can set up your practice, relocate your existing practice or expand it with an additional location. Surgery rooms can also be rented. Depending on the scope of use, you can choose between full-time and part-time models.

The rooms in Eterno Space are suitable for just about any application. Apart from dental, we can carry out any medical activity.

Eterno performs all non-medical tasks. This includes practice management, appointment scheduling, billing, personnel management, IT support and maintenance as well as maintenance of practice rooms. In addition, we take on marketing, quality management and support you in legal matters.

Eterno offers an extensive service network consisting of a contact center (telephone service), finance center (billing support), procurement center (ordering), insurance center (insurance) and compliance center (legal protection).